
【在本案中,雙方對於非對稱仲裁條款的效力均未提出質疑,其爭議焦點放在申請人SWST是否有效且及時地提出了仲裁的意思表示。法院認為,“將爭議提交仲裁”一詞長期以來一直被用來指執行仲裁協議中隱含的否定約定(negative covenant),即不在法院提出申請(not to sue in court),而不是要求啟動仲裁的積極契約。】

案例概要:2022年11月17日,英國高等法院就Aiteo Eastern E&P Company Ltd v. Shell Western Supply & Trading Ltd [2022] EWHC 2912(Comm)一案作出判決,認為本案仲裁庭有管轄權,且兩個仲裁可以予以合併,駁回申請人根據1996年《仲裁法》第67條提出的兩個質疑。

案件背景:本案爭議涉及一項受英國法管轄的貸款協議(Facility Agreement)。根據該協議,被告(仲裁申請人,下稱SWST,為殼牌一家石油公司)作為出資方,向原告(仲裁被申請人,下稱Aiteo,一家尼日利亞公司)貸款5.12億美元。



在ICC的仲裁:2020年12月11日,SWST申請ICC仲裁,並向英國商業法院成功申請反訴禁令救濟(anti-suit injunctive relief,見 [2022] EWHC 768(Comm);[2022] 3 WLUK 529)。2022年3月15日,在ICC仲裁中,指定的仲裁庭認為其具有管轄權。仲裁庭發佈了裁決,合併其他貸款人向Aiteo提起的平行仲裁。



根據英國樞密院(Privy Council)在Anzen Ltd v Hermes One Ltd [2016] 1 WLR 4098案對於仲裁條款發生效力的一般性原理認定,在約定仲裁條款而一方已提出訴訟時,正確的處理辦法應是:1、任何一方都有權提起訴訟;2、此時另一方可以因存在的仲裁條款而選擇將爭議提交仲裁,這裏對於仲裁的選擇,根據上下文的意思不同,有時僅為一種選擇的權利,但有時無疑是一種要求(How the option fell to be exercised "depends upon the meaning to be attached in the context of the clause to the concept of submitting a dispute to binding arbitration", which, in some contexts "might no doubt connote and require the actual commencement of an arbitration");3、行使上述選擇的方式包括自行啟動仲裁,或者向對方提出明確的仲裁答辯意見或向法院申請相應的中止/管轄權異議。

在本案中,根據仲裁條款第41.1條,SWST可通過明確要求或堅持通過仲裁解決爭議來行使對於仲裁的選擇權。這一選擇不需要是正式的仲裁請求,也不需要申請中止任何首次提起的法院訴訟。這是因為,行使對於仲裁的選擇權並不一定需要明確的仲裁請求,一旦放棄了訴訟,便只能選擇仲裁,這是一個共識。在國際仲裁詞典中,“將爭議提交仲裁”一詞長期以來一直被用來指執行仲裁協議中隱含的“否定契約”,即不在其他地方(法院)提出申請,而不是要求進行仲裁的積極契約。《紐約公約》第二(3)條和《示範法》第8(1)條均提及“將仲裁當事人提交仲裁”,然而履行這一義務的方式是結束法院的訴訟,而不是要求強制啟動仲裁。(In the international arbitration lexicon the phrase "refer a dispute" to arbitration has long been used to refer to enforcement of the negative covenant implicit in the arbitration agreement not to pursue a claim elsewhere, rather than a positive covenant requiring an arbitration to be commenced and pursued. Both Article II(3) of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (United Nations) (1958) and Article 8(1) of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration refer to the court in which proceedings have been commenced "refer[ing] the parties to arbitration". However, it is overwhelmingly the case in New York Convention and UNCITRAL Model Law countries that this obligation is performed by bringing the court proceedings to an end, not granting an order mandating the commencement of an arbitration.




一、背景介紹:2018年4月8日,原告Ourspace Ventures與主債務人Ourspace TC International Limited, Mauritius簽訂了《貸款協議》。同日,原告與被告Mr Kevan Halliwell簽訂了一份包含個人擔保函的協議(以下簡稱“《個人擔保函》”),約定由被告為主債務人在《貸款協議》下的還款義務提供擔保。


17.2 仲裁:由財務檔(定義見第1.5條,並包括個人擔保函本身)產生、與之有關或有聯繫的任何爭議、請求、分歧或爭執,包括任何與該財務檔的存在、有效性、解釋、履行、違反、終止,或無效的後果,以及任何由該財務檔產生或與之有聯繫的任何非合同義務相關的任何爭議(就本條款的目的而言,統稱為“爭議”),應提交並根據《LCIA仲裁規則》最終通過仲裁解決。

17.3 選擇訴訟:(a)儘管有第17.2條(仲裁)的規定,(原告)可以通過書面通知(被告)要求所有爭議或特定爭議由英國法院專屬解決。訴訟通知應當載明下列事項:(i)出現了爭議;(ii)爭議當事人;和(iii)將由DIFC法院解決的爭議的性質。



17.1 Governing Law

This Deed and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it are governed by English law.

17.2 Arbitration

(a)   Any dispute, claim, difference or controversy arising out of, relating to or having any connection with any Finance Documents [the definition of which is at clause1.5 and includes the Personal Guarantee itself], including any dispute as to its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination or the consequences of its nullity and any dispute relating to any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it (for the purpose of this clause, a Dispute), shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the LCIA Arbitration Rules…

17.3 Option to Litigate

(a)   Notwithstanding Clause 17.2 (Arbitration), [the claimant] may by notice (a Litigation Notice) in writing to [the defendant] require that all Disputes or a specific Dispute be settled exclusively by the English Courts. A Litigation Notice shall specify the following:

(i)    that a Dispute has arisen;
(ii)   the Parties involved in the Dispute; and
(iii)  the nature of the Dispute to be settled by the DIFC courts.

(b)   Ifa Litigation Notice is given by [the claimant] pursuant to this Clause, the Parties agree that:

(i)    the DIFC courts have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any Dispute which is the subject of any such Litigation Notice;
(ii)   the DIFC courts are the most appropriate and convenient courts to settle Disputes and accordingly no Party will argue to the contrary and each waives objection to the DIFC courts on the grounds of inconvenient forum or otherwise in relation to proceedings in connection with the Finance Documents; and
(iii)  the Parties cannot commence arbitration proceedings in respect of the Dispute(s) specified in the Litigation Notice and any arbitration proceedings commenced in respect of any such Disputes will be terminated.

(c)   This clause is for the benefit of [the claimant] only. As a result, [the claimant] shall not be prevented from taking proceedings relating to a Dispute in any other courts with jurisdiction. To the extent allowed by law, [the claimant] may take concurrent proceedings in any number of jurisdictions."


2019年9月17日,Kevan Halliwell 請求法院宣佈其不具有(或不應行使)管轄權。


1. 爭議焦點:法院認為,本案的爭議焦點在於:(1)被告在提出申請前是否提交了管轄;(2)如果沒有,是否應該批准延長提交申請的期限;(3)經適當解釋,第17.3條所提及的“英國法院”是否應當解釋為指DIFC法院;(4)這封信函是否是訴訟通知;(5)如果這封信函不是訴訟通知,原告是否有權向英國法院提出請求;(6)如這封信函是訴訟通知,原告是否有權根據《個人擔保函》第17.3(c)條的理由向英國法院提出請求。

In the above circumstances, the following issues arise in the application:
(1)   whether the defendant submitted to the jurisdiction before making the application;
(2)   if not, whether an extension of time should be granted for making the application;
(3)   whether, on the proper construction of clause 17.3, the reference to "the English Courts" should be construed as referring to the DIFC courts;
(4)   whether the Letter was a Litigation Notice;
(5)   if the Letter was not a Litigation Notice, whether the claimant is entitled to bring the claim in the English courts;
(6)   if the Letter was a Litigation Notice, whether the claimant is nonetheless entitled by reason of cl 17.3(c) to bring the claim in the English Courts.

2. 適用的法律原則:《民事訴訟法》第11條規定:“(1)希望(a)對法院審理請求的管轄權提出異議,或(b)認為法院不應行使管轄權的被告可以請求法院下達一項命令,宣佈其不具有此種管轄權或不應行使其認為可能具有的任何管轄權。(2)被告如欲提出此種申請,必須先按照第10部的規定提交送達確認書。(3)提交送達確認書的被告不因此喪失任何可能對法院管轄權提出異議的權利。(4)根據本條規則提出的申請(a)必須在提交送達確認書後14天內提出;(b)有證據支持。(5)如果被告(a)提交了送達確認書;且(b)未在第(4)款規定的期限內提出申請,他將被視為已接受法院審理請求的管轄權。”

CPR 11, so far as relevant, provides

"(1)A defendant who wishes to –
(a)   dispute the court's jurisdiction to try the claim; or
(b)   argue that the court should not exercise its jurisdiction may apply to the court for an order declaring that it has no such jurisdiction or should not exercise any jurisdiction which it may have.
(2)   A defendant who wishes to make such an application must first file an acknowledgment of service in accordance with Part 10.
(3)   A defendant who files an acknowledgment of service does not, by doing so lose any right that he may have to dispute the court's jurisdiction.
(4)   An application under this rule must–
(a)   be made within 14 days after filing an acknowledgment of service; and
(b)   be supported by evidence.
(5)   If the defendant –
(a)   files an acknowledgment of service; and
(b)   does not make such an application within the period specified in paragraph (4), he is to be treated as having accepted that the court has jurisdiction to try the claim."

Global Multimedia v Ara Media [2007] 1 All ER (Comm)1170案列出了確定某一行為是否等同於接受管轄權的標準。就當前目的而言,這些標準可以總結為:(1)採用的是客觀標準;(2)要使所依據的行為等同於接受管轄權,該行為必須在所有情況下均明確,即對該行為的唯一可能的解釋是表達了在英國審理案件的意圖;(3)如果基於接受管轄權協議以外的理由也可以解釋該行為,那麼這足以阻止接受管轄權。(The test to be applied in determining whether conduct amounts to submission to the jurisdiction is set out in Global Multimedia v Ara Media [2007] 1 All ER (Comm) 1170 at [27]to [28], quoting from the judgment of Patten J in SMAY Investments v Sachdev [2003] EWHC 474. For present purposes,this can be summarised as follows: (1) the test is objective; (2) to amount to submission to the jurisdiction, the conduct relied upon must, in all the circumstances, be unequivocal i.e. such that the only possible explanation for it is an intention to have the case tried in England; (3)     ifthe conduct relied upon is explicable on grounds other than agreement to accept the jurisdiction, then that is sufficient to prevent there having been submission.)

3. 分析與結論

(1)被告是否已經接受管轄權:原告認為,被告的以下行為構成接受管轄權:(1)被告請求延長提交答辯狀的時間;(2)被告既沒有在期限屆滿前提出管轄權異議,也沒有在期限屆滿前請求延長期限。法院援引Global, SMAY, Mouly vAIG Europe [2016] EWHC 1794 (QB)案(其中援引了Texan Management Limited v Pacific Electric Wire & Cable CompanyLimited [2009] UKPC 46案)案的觀點認為,請求延長提交答辯狀的期限與繼續對管轄權提出異議並不矛盾,第一個行為本身顯然不足以構成接受管轄權。

至於第二個行為,即沒有在規定期限內提出管轄權異議,法院認為,未能在規定期限內提出管轄權異議並因此根據《民事訴訟法》第11(5)條被視為接受管轄權,這種接受並非不可撤銷。如果此種接受不可撤銷,那麼法院追溯延長申請期限的權力將完全沒有意義。因此,法院接受被告的意見,即僅憑遲延提出管轄權異議本身並不足以構成明確的接受管轄權(A failure to apply within the prescribed time to challenge jurisdiction and the resultant deemed submission to the jurisdiction pursuant to CPR 11(5) is not in my judgment an irrevocable submission. If that were so, the court's power retrospectively to extend time for making the application would be completely pointless. I therefore accept the defendant's submission that merely being late in making an application to challenge jurisdiction is not of itself sufficient to be an unequivocal submission.)



在本案中,被告遲延了13周提交申請,被告律師也承認這種遲延是重大和嚴重的遲延,且沒有任何良好的遲延理由。因此,法院必須考慮在所有情況下,包括《民事訴訟法》第3.9條特別列明的情況(即對於以合適的費用進行有效訴訟的需求,對於強制遵守法院規則的需求等等),法院公正地處理該項申請是否正確(I must therefore consider whether it would be right in all the circumstances, including those specifically identified in CPR 3.9 (i.e. the need for litigation to be conducted efficiently and at proportionate cost, and the need to enforce compliance with rules of court, etc) so as to enable the court to deal with the application justly)。

為此,法院考慮了如下相關事實:首先,原告保持中立,沒有反對被告的申請,也未主張其遭受任何侵害;其次,被告的救濟申請並沒有對本申請或本請求中任何其他申請的進行產生任何不利影響。第三,從送達確認書中可以清楚看出,管轄權將成為一個爭議事項。第四,儘管原告提交了反對該申請的證據,但在原告律師提出概要性論點之前,原告並沒有提出該論點。最後,法院認為,考慮到這些情況,剝奪被告在這項金額巨大的索賠中提出管轄權異議的權利是不成比例的制裁。(In doing so the following factors are in my judgment relevant. First, as noted, the claimant is neutral and does not assert that it has suffered any prejudice. Secondly, the application for relief has not had any adverse impact on the conduct of this application or any other applications in this claim. It has not affected the time allowed by the court for the application and has had no adverse impact on other court users. Thirdly, it was clear from the acknowledgement of service that jurisdiction was going to be in issue – unlike Mouly, where the claimant was not on notice of the jurisdiction issue. Fourthly, the claimant did not raise the point until its advocate's skeleton argument, even though it has filed evidence in opposition to the application. Finally, in my judgment, it would in all these circumstances be a disproportionate sanction to deprive the defendant of his ability to contest jurisdiction in this claim for a very substantial amount of money.)


(3)關於第17.3條的解釋:《個人擔保函》第17.3條規定:“17.3 選擇訴訟:(a)儘管有第17.2條(仲裁)的規定,(原告)可以通過書面通知(被告)要求所有爭議或特定爭議由英國法院專屬解決。訴訟通知應當載明下列事項:(i)出現了爭議;(ii)爭議當事人;和(iii)將由DIFC法院解決的爭議的性質。



首先,第17.3條(a)款出現了“英國法院”和“DIFC法院”的措辭。顯然,按字面意思解釋,該款的兩個詞存在自相矛盾之處。根據Lewison的《合同法解釋》一書中的觀點,如果:(1)書面文書的表面存在明顯錯誤,且(2)這種錯誤必須被糾正,法院可以糾正書面文書中的此種錯誤(The court can correct a mistake in a written instrument where it is satisfied that (i) that there is a clear mistake on the face of the instrument and (ii) it is clear whatcorrection ought to be made in order to cure it: Lewison, The Interpretation of Contracts, 6th Ed. at [9.01])。鑒於“DIFC法院”出現了多次,而“英國法院”只出現了一次,犯一次錯誤的可能性比多次犯相同錯誤的可能性大,故法院贊同被告的觀點認為,改正該條款矛盾的方法是,將“英國法院”更改為“DIFC法院”。

隨後,法院繼續審理第17.3條(b)款和(c)款的解釋問題。儘管當事人在庭審過程中充分論證了不同的論點,但當事人最終同意並邀請法院在認定涉案信函屬於根據第17.3(a)條發送的訴訟通知的基礎上分析其效力。(Although arguments to the contrary were ventilated in the course of the hearing, both sides agreed and invited me to proceed on the basis that the Letter was a Litigation Notice pursuant to cl. 17.3(a). I turn therefore to consider its effect.)

被告認為,訴訟通知的目的是使原告能夠選擇DIFC法院並使其對任何爭議擁有專屬管轄權。在發送訴訟通知前,原告可以根據17.3條(c)款自由選擇在任何有管轄權的法院提起訴訟,但一旦發送訴訟通知,雙方當事人都受第17.3條(b)款的約束,不能再提起仲裁,不能對DIFC法院的專屬管轄權提出異議,故原告只能向DIFC法院提起訴訟。原告則認為第17.3條(c)款賦予了原告在任何有管轄權的法院提起訴訟的充分自由,無論其是否發送了訴訟通知,且該款只對原告適用。為此,原告援引了Mauritius CommercialBank Ltd v Hestia Holdings Ltd [2013] EWHC 1328 (Comm)案和Lornamead Acquisitions Limited v Kaupthing Bank [2011] EWHC 2611 (Comm)案的判決以支持其觀點。

針對當事人的分歧,法院支持了原告的觀點認為,第17.3條(b)款和(c)款的效果是只有被告受(b)款的約束。這一效果可以通過在起草時明文規定來實現,但這並不影響這一點。第17.3條中使用的起草語言是針對非對稱管轄權條款的標準起草方式——例如Mauritius Commercial Bank and Lornamead案也使用了實質上相同的條款,在該案中,這些條款被解釋為原告所主張的意思。如果採納被告的解釋,意味著第17.3條(c)款的第一個句子將完全失去效力,或只剩下毫無意義功能,即重申只有原告有權發送訴訟通知。(In my judgment, the net effect of clauses (b) and (c) is that only the defendant is bound by clause (b). The fact that this effect could have been achieved with drafting that expressly so provided does not detract from this. The drafting used in clause 17.3 is the standard drafting for asymmetric jurisdiction clauses - such as the materially identical clauses in Mauritius Commercial Bank and Lornamead, which were construed with the meaning contended for by the claimant. The defendant's construction would also mean that the first sentence in clause (c) would either have no meaning at all, or have the pointless function of reiterating that only the claimant has the right to serve a Litigation Notice.)

